Monday, March 28, 2011

Georgetown University: Classy Done Right

As I'm writing this post I can't help but to feel exhausted. This weekend wore me out completely and I'm really not looking forward to going back to class tomorrow. Oh well, on a positive note this weekend was so much fun! I was able to explore in all of my favorite places and do a little retail therapy.

Friday, my boyfriend and I went to Georgetown (like I mentioned in the previous post) and visited Georgetown University. Everything about the University was just amazing. The architecture was gorgeous, the students were dressed super classy, and the campus was just a short walk away from the shops. Needless to say, I felt like I was cheating on my own school by taking a visit!

I adored this stone was HUGE! Most of the following pictures are taken here:
We came upon this AMAZING classroom. What I would love to have class here! The walls were surrounded by gorgeous woodworking and even had a sweet old time chalkboard!
 For all of your readers out there, one thing you should know about me is that I absolutely adore architecture. There's just something so refined and elegant about this picture. Oh goodness I just can't stop gushing about this school...beautiful!
Can you just imagine yourself wearing your classy preppy outfit, carrying your books on your way to class? Absolutely beautiful.
For many of you that don't know, Georgetown University is actually a private Catholic University. I had no idea until a few months ago. However if you ever visit the campus, there are religious themed pictures everywhere.
Adorable little chapel located in a small courtyard. I can just imagine myself going to mass here!
Gorgeous view from one of the close to D.C.!
Another view of their amazing architecture!

I could probably write pages and pages on how beautiful Georgetown University is. It truly is such an interesting campus architecture wise and just so phenomenally classy in general. If any of you lovely readers are looking at colleges, I hope you take a look at Georgetown. It is truly one of a kind.

Have you ever made a visit to Georgetown University?


Miss Southern Prep said...

It is gorgeous! One of the things that made me choose my school was the gorgeous architecture! It's Gothic style, and the dining hall looks like Hogwarts! It's beautiful!

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

oooh, nice picture tour! i thought of applying to georgetown, because i was particularly interested in their international relations program, but eventually decided against it

Dana Gastelum said...

Gorgeous campus tour! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog :)

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

I've never been, but it looks absolutely gorgeous! I can definitely see why people would pay a little (or A LOT) more to go to that school! I mean, it's all about how pretty it is, right? (c; Love the cute glad you visited mine so I could find it!

Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

I've never been but would LOVE to go...everything here in SoCal is soso new, you never get the brick and mortar beauties...Love the old school look and feel...thanks for sharing!


Haute Khuuture Blog

Beth Dunn said...

LOVE Georgetown! Glad you had fun

Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

i really want to go to Georgetown...ive never been.

I feel like i would fit in perfectly at this school as well!

Carroll said...

What a beautiful campus! Thanks for the tour. :)